The accredited Certification Body for accommodations
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Assured and certified rooms
Countries of the world

The DCA Certification is the first ad sole accredited Certification by Accredia and is recognized by IAF in 97 countries. It guarantees the characteristics of the accommodation to end customers, agencies and intermediaries in an independent and super partes way its sustainability and reliability in an objective manner and through objective evidence gathered during audits.

The certification perimeter relates to the accommodation as a whole, the setting up of the rooms, the type of accessories, the subdivision of the spaces, the availability of accessories and furnishings, the layout of the accommodation, entertainment elements, accessory elements, outdoor, garden, swimming pool etc. in addition to the technical part relating to the correct maintenance of the systems, etc. The evaluation requirements contained in the checklists are over 1.200.


DREAM&CHARME with its Accredia accreditation n. PRD 0297 and the DCA (Dream&Charme Assurance) Certification Mark (trademark registered), the first and sole Certification Body accredited according to the UNI CEI ISO 17065 standard for the "Assessment and certification of SUSTAINABILITY and RELIABILITY of accommodations". Dream&Charme is officially authorized (accreditation) to issue DCA certifications (Dream&Charme Assurance) to accommodation regardless of their classification (hotel, resorts, private villas, castles, cruise ships, etc.) both in Italy and abroad, DCA Certification is recognized in 95 countries. DCA also guarantees, the highest range of accommodation, also the requirements of uniqueness and excellence contained in the Standard D&C:2023 and subsequent ones.


Sustainability is one of the most significant elements for us, in fact in our checklists there are numerous requirements dedicated to sustainability also with reference to International Standards relating to sustainable tourism. Dream&Charme is also a member of the GSTC (Global Sustainable Tourism Council), a global non-profit also founded by the United Nations (UNWTO, UN Foundation, UNEP), is a member of ISO Working Groups 228/13 (global standards on sustainable tourism) and UNI GL-40 Working Group for the definition of standards on tourism at the international level and Project Leader in UNI for the UNI PdR 131 (accessible tourism) with the Ministry of Tourism and Accredia.  Since 2023, it has also been rated Third Party Entity by, Expedia and Google with the inclusion of “Sustainability Certification” status on their global booking sites guaranteed by the DCA Sustainable ESG Certification for Dream&Charme-certified facilities.

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